KP505 Propeller Crashback
Computational Naval Hydrodynamics Final Project
KP505 Propeller Operating in Crashback
For our final project in computational naval hydrodynamics, Ben Yuan, Logan Sorenson, and myself took on the task of analyzing the KP505 propeller in crashback. The KP505 propeller is a 5-bladed propeller for the KCS container ship. Our task was to conduct a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) study in REX, IIHR’s custom CFD code, on this propeller at model scale operating in crashback at different advance coefficients. We measured the forces and torques on the propeller, the pressure distribution on the face of the propeller, and visualized the ring vortex. Final results were presented and given to Rolls Royce Marine, and a REX tutorial on the study posted to IIHR’s wiki. Click on the links below to view the presentation and read the tutorial.